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Guerilla Research:
Research Boot Camp

- Academic enrichment designed to build creative research skills
- Students develop real-world, lifelong research skills in unique ways
- Providing secondary school students 21st Century Skills to use for a lifetime

Online classes focused on building real-world research skills

  • Conducting research and developing research projects are critical skills for College, Career, and Civic life, according to the National Council for the Social Studies College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards.

  • Students work at their own pace under the direction of an award-winning instructor.

  • Suitable for all learner levels and abilities.

Course #1: Learn and/or reinforce research skills

  • Learn to become a (better) researcher

  • Explore beyond the obvious to gain “guerilla research” skills

  • Identify sources and venues for unique research opportunities

  • Avoid fake or questionable sources

Course #2: Create and share a research project

  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills

  • Build communication skills

  • Learn and reinforce best practices in research

  • Develop and apply skills applicable to problem-based learning and research-based academic competitions such as National History Day and others

Research copy: Services
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